Add Tags to Opportunities

This article describes how to add tags to your deals.

Matthew Attou avatar
Written by Matthew Attou
Updated over a week ago

Tags can be a useful tool to help you sort, filter and segment the Opportunities in your active Capital Raise.

To add a tag to an Opportunity:

STEP 1: Navigate to the Fundraising section and click on the Opportunity tab.

STEP 2: You can add (or remove) tags to individual Opportunities or to multiple Opportunities:

Add or Remove tags to ALL Opportunities at One Time:

  1. Click on the check box next to the Opportunity Name column title. This will select all opportunities.

  2. Click on the Actions button and click Add Tag or Remove Tag:

3. Add the tag name and click the Add Tags button:

Add or Remove tags for Multiple Opportunities at One Time:

  1. Click on the check box by each Opportunity Name in the Opportunity Name column to select the opportunities.

  2. Click on the Actions button and click Add Tag or Remove Tag:

3. Add the tag name and click the Add Tags button:

Add or Remove a Tag for One Opportunity:

  1. Click on the check box by the Opportunity Name in the Opportunity Name column to select the opportunity.

  2. Click on the Actions button and click Add Tag or Remove Tag:

3. Add the tag name and click the Add Tags button:

NOTE: You can add as many tags to an Opportunity as needed.

Filtering by Opportunity Tags

After adding the Opportunity tag(s), you can quickly access the tagged Opportunities by filtering on the Opportunities page.

NOTE: Ensure the Opportunity Tags column is turned on in the Opportunities page.

  1. Click on the Edit Columns on the right side of the screen to display the Column options.

  2. Enable the Opportunity Tags option (if not already enabled):

  1. Using the Opportunity Tags column, filter to the Opportunity tag(s).

2. You can save the Opportunities with the Opportunity Tag as a filter by clicking the Save As by the yellow highlighted Modified:

3. Add a name for your Opportunity filter and click Create Filter:

4. You can use the filter to quickly bring up these Opportunities at any time by clicking on All Opportunities and searching for the filter name:

IMPORTANT: When you create a filter using Tags, you will not be able to update the filter by adding or removing tags to other Opportunities.

If you need to add or remove Opportunities to the filter you created, you must delete the filter and create a new one.

To delete the Opportunity Tag filter, click the X by the filter name under the User-created Filters:


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