An Account in InvestNext represents the legal entity that is making the investment in one or more of your projects. Common Account types include Individuals, LLCs, Self Directed IRAs, Trusts, and more.
While most investors create an Account as part of the Commitment Process for an Investment, there are times that you may need to create an Account on behalf of your investor.
To create an Account for your investor, follow these steps:
Step 1. Navigate to Contacts and select the Contact you will be creating the Account for.
Note: If the Contact is not yet in your portal, please use this article to add the Contact.
Step 2. Select the '+' icon next to Accounts section:
Step 3. Complete the required information within the form (marked with a red asterisk*).
Step 4. Click on the 'Create Account' button, at the bottom of the form.
The Account is now set up!