Ensuring that your Investor Portal is in tip-top shape before sharing it with your investors is key to guaranteeing you are providing them all with a seamless investment experience. This guide will walk you, step-by-step, through the process of previewing the portal homepage after creating homepage content!
Skip to a video walk-through here!
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1. First, you will navigate to the Cog Wheel in the upper right, then click Investor Portal on the left side of the screen.
Step 2. To edit the homepage content, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter the information that you wish to display. Make sure to click the Enable custom welcome content prior to hitting Save.
Step 3. Once you save changes, you will see the Preview Portal button in the upper right. After selecting this button, a new screen will open, displaying the homepage as it would appear to an investor.
Video - Preview Portal Button - Homepage Content