Add a Tag to a Contact

This article contains a step-by-step guide for adding a tag to a contact

Kevin Heras avatar
Written by Kevin Heras
Updated over a week ago

The Contact Tags feature in InvestNext allows you to add qualitative attributes to your Contacts, which you can ultimately filter on. You can learn more about how to create a Contact filter here.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Add a Tag to a Single Contact:

Step 1. Log in to your InvestNext Admin account and navigate to 'Contacts' in the left-hand menu bar.

​Step 2. Navigate to the desired Contact that you wish to add a Tag to. You will be taken to that Contacts detail screen.

​Step 3. Locate the 'Tags' section on the left-hand side of the Contact page.

Step 4. Begin typing the desired description for the Tag in the search bar. If the Tag already exists in your Portal, then it will be auto-suggested (as shown in the example below), allowing you to easily select it. Otherwise, finish typing the desired description to create a new Tag.

Step 5. Hit the Return/Enter key on your keyboard and the new Tag will be added to their Contact page.

Add a Tag in Bulk:

You can also add Tags to your Contacts in bulk.

Step 1. Navigate to your Contact list and select all of the individuals you'd like to add a specific Tag to.

Step 2. Click the 'Actions' button and 'Add Tag' in the drop-down menu:

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