Update Class Unit Price (Project)

Re-value the units within a class by adding a new unit price.

Jay Krause avatar
Written by Jay Krause
Updated over a week ago

Updating the Unit Price for a Class will automatically update the Position Value for all active Positions in the Class based on the specified date. This allows you to properly reflect any changes to the value of shares (units) in a Project.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1. Navigate to 'Projects' and select the relevant Project:

Step 2. Click the 'Classes' tab. Then select the Class you'd like to update:

Step 3. Click the 'Unit Price' tab. Then click the '+ SET PRICE' button:

Step 4. Enter the 'Date' you need the new price to go live and the new 'Price':

Step 5. Click 'Set Price' to save changes!

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