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Capital Calls 101

The steps in this article will show you how to Create a Capital Raise with Capital Calls!

Alan Mohan avatar
Written by Alan Mohan
Updated over 5 months ago

Note: This article has been updated to reflect recent changes in the software. Please review the new information to stay up to date with the latest features and improvements.

IMPORTANT: If you create a Capital Raise with Capital Calls, you can also allow the investors to fund ALL of their investment at one time if something changed and you no longer need to call the capital in stages.


Step 1. Create a Capital Raise

  • Select "Yes" for a New Project OR "No" for an existing project

  • Continue through the workflow (Naming the capital raise & target amount + date)

  • Select "Progressively with Capital Calls"

  • Continue through the workflow (Adding a class and selecting a pipeline)

  • Select "Create Capital Raise"

Step 2. Create a Capital Call via the Project

  • Build the capital raise/deal room, this training series guides you through the steps in detail!

  • Once commitments have been recorded, you can then call capital! In the first image below there are a total of $4,750,000 across 5 commitments. (Viewed in the Capital Raise)

  • Navigate to the Project --> Capital Calls Tab --> Select "Create Capital Calls"

Step 2a. Go through the Capital Calls flow

  • Name the capital call (e.g. Capital Call #1)

  • Select How would you like to call capital?

    • (%) Percent of Total

    • ($) Fixed Call Amount

  • Enter either a percentage or dollar amount based on your above selection. Note: This is based on the amount of committed capital to date.

  • Enter a Capital Call Deadline (Optional)

  • Investors will be emailed a PDF Call Summary

  • Notify your investors with a tailored image or PDF file

  • Review and confirm the capital call details. Once confirmed, Click "Create Draft"

Step 3. Activate capital call

  • Select "Activate" in the selected capital call

  • In the window that pops up, enter any details for an email notification sent to those participating in the capital call.

  • Select "Activate without Notifying" or "Activate & Notify"

  • The capital is now Active

  • Click "Set Status" to toggle the capital call from active to closed when necessary

Note: Amounts cannot be edited. They are calculated pro-rata across the number of commitments.

Tip #1. Send reminders

  • Select which investors need a reminder notification

  • Click "Send Reminder"

  • Edit the Reminder Notification and click "Send Reminder"

*Update!! Capital calls can now be deleted from the sponsor portal in a few, simple steps. To delete an active capital call, no full or partial funding must be received.

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