On occasion, your investors may reach out asking for a consolidated statement of all of their investment activities with your firm. While investors have access to this information on the investor portal, there may be occasions where they need to have this information shown on a pdf or physical statement.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1. Navigate to the applicable Contact and click on the Documents tab:
Step 2. Click New Document and select Build Statement from the drop-down menu:
Step 3. Enter the desired Start Date and Statement Date, check or uncheck Include closed positions, and then click Build Statement:
Step 4. The new Summary Statement will now appear under the Documents tab, but will not automatically be shared with your Investor.
To share the Summary Statement to your Investor's Portal, check off the Document, click Portal Access and select Enable Portal Access from the drop-down menu:
The statement will be privately shared to the given investor's portal account. The investor will also receive a notification that they have a new document available to them on the investor portal.