After uploading a document or documents to a Project, Account or Contact, you can use these steps to make the document(s) accessible to the Investor(s).
Step-by-Step Instructions:
STEP 1: Navigate to the Project, Account, or Contact and click on the 'Documents' tab:
STEP 2: Go to the relevant Folder or Document and click the checkbox to select one or many documents.
Use the checkbox by the document name to select a single document:
STEP 3: After selecting the document(s), click on the 3 dots and select the "Enable Portal Access" option.
This will publish the selected document(s) to the investor portal and notify each investor that a new document is available in their portal.
Enable portal access for a single document:
Enable portal access for all the documents in the Folder:
NOTE: New Document Notifications
When a document is Shared (Enable Portal Access), an email notification will go out to the investor within the hour. The notification is only sent once. If you re-share the document, this will not trigger another notification.
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