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Auto-Populating E-Signature Documents

How to automatically fill an investor's information into an E-Signature Document.

Jay Krause avatar
Written by Jay Krause
Updated over 3 months ago

One of the benefits of using InvestNext's integrated E-Signature tool is that you can auto-fill the documents using information already provided by the investor.

This could be details about their Investing Account (such as the Name, Tax ID, and Address), as well as, details about their Commitment (such as the Amount, Class, and Units/Shares).

This is accomplished by using the "Sender" Signer Roll feature!

What is a "Sender"?

When creating an E-Signature Template, you can select the "Sender" feature from the Signer drop-down menu. The "Sender" Singer Role allows you to add dynamic textboxes that will be used to auto-populate/auto-fill the documents with the investor's information:

The "Sender" feature saves investors time and effort as they won't need to manually fill out those fields when they're executing their documents!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

STEP 1. Select the "Sender" Signer Role from the 'Signer' drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Then add a 'Textbox' field to the Template:

STEP 2. Click the "What text goes here" drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Select from the list of available fields that can be auto-populated within an e-signature document:

STEP 3. From here, simply repeat the process of adding textboxes and selecting the relevant "What text goes here" option for each field.

STEP 4. Click 'Save Template' once complete:

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