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How to Set Up and Customize InvestNext Forms
How to Set Up and Customize InvestNext Forms

This article will walk through how to customize your InvestNext Forms (registration form) to collect as much data about potential investors!

Matthew Attou avatar
Written by Matthew Attou
Updated over a week ago

Discover the convenience of InvestNext forms for your syndication sponsor needs! Easily gather leads and potential investors, customize your questionnaire, and grant Investor Portal access effortlessly.

Step-by-Step Instructions

STEP 1: Activate Form submissions in your global settings:

  1. Click the Cogwheel icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Navigate to Investor Portal on the left hand side.

  3. Select the Access tab.

  4. Check the Enable Form Submissions option

  5. (Optional) Click the Enable Self Registration option to include a Register button on your investor portal login page.

  6. Click Save Changes.

IMPORTANT: If you would like the system to automatically approve your form submissions, enable this option as well in the screen above:

  • Enable Form Submission Auto Approval

STEP 2. To customize your Form:

  1. Go to the Communications section

  2. Click the Forms tab.

  3. Click the ACTIONS button.

  4. Click Edit Form.

STEP 3. There are three primary sections which you can use to edit the Form:

  • Header/Body

  • InvestNext Fields

  • Custom Fields

IMPORTANT: Always ensure you Save Changes before moving to another section


Provide additional context to your potential investors about the form's purpose and what to expect next.

InvestNext Fields

Add any of the pre-configured fields by clicking on the field name under InvestNext Fields.

A field is grayed out under the InvestNext Fields section when it is already on the form.

NOTE: These fields can be edited by clicking on the edit icon after the field has been added to the form.

Custom Fields

You can create and add Custom Fields by:

  1. Click on the type of New Field you wish to add:

2. The Custom Field editor box will display:

3. Enter your custom Field Name and any Options.

4. Click Save.

5. The new Custom Field will display as on option under the Custom Fields section:

IMPORTANT: When a new custom field is created, it is also added as a Custom Field on the Contact profile as well as an option to display on the form.

STEP 4. To Rearrange, Edit, Remove or Require fields on the Form:

  • Rearrange any fields on the form by dragging the field

  • Click on the field to make the pencil icon or X display

  • Use the pencil icon to edit the field

  • Click the X icon to remove the field from the form

  • Require a Field by clicking on the pencil icon and checking the "Required" check box:

STEP 5. Preview your form by clicking the Preview button:

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