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Investor Management
Create new contacts and accounts, invite contacts to the investor portal, build contact filters
Resolving Plaid Connection Issues
Disregarded Entities (Sponsors)
Disregarded Entities (Investors)
How to Remove a Custodian
How do I see when Contacts were created? (Video)
How to Delete A Contact
How To Merge Investor Contacts
How to Reset Investor Account Passwords
Edit Contact Details
Invite Contacts to the Investor Portal
User-Created Filters: Create a New Contact Filter
How to See if Investors Have Linked Banking Details on the Investor Portal (VIDEO)
Add a Tag to a Contact
Create a Contact and an Account (VIDEO)
Change Account Payment Method
How to Delete an Account (Videos)
Edit Account Details
Create a Custodian
Add a Document to a Specific Account or Position
Create an Investing Account on behalf of an Investor
Add a Primary Contact to an Investing Account
Additional Relationships for an Investment Account
Associate an IRA/SDIRA Custodian to an Investing Account